Student Instructions
How can we use animals as inspiration to help solve problems?
1. Think of a problem you want to help solve.
2. Now think of how an animal’s body movement, covering, or behavior can help you solve the problem.
NOTE: Click on to watch video to help with ideas.
3. Draw your design for solving the problem. Then, using supplies you can find around your house, BUILD YOUR DESIGN.
4. Click
to complete the worksheet to explain your project.
5. On the 2nd
to show and tell about your design. Or you can click
Tell what the problem was, what animal movement, covering, or behavior gave you the idea, and what you created.
6. Click
to save.
Teacher Notes (not visible to students)
This is for NGSS 1-LS.1 standard. Students could complete this in class with a variety of recyclable supplies, or completed at home. The video link is to give ideas for creating a project. Please present other videos, books, or lessons to teach more about what is Biomimicry.