Student Instructions
Today you are going to show your skills by adding two numbers together. Keep in mind the rainbow numbers that we have been talking about. Some ways to help you with this are to count with your fingers or to count on. Make sure you check your work before you press the green tick.
1. Collect a set of counters from the front of the classroom 🔴
2. Find a place in the classroom where you can work without getting distracted (remember we do not go underneath tables) 🤐
3. Press the green add button
4. Press the T button
5. Drag the numbers at the top of the page to their correct spot so that the number sentence makes sense 😏
6. Use the counters to check each number sentence to see if the two numbers that are in the same sentence equal 10
7. If you finish early you may decorate the rainbow in the corner. 🌈
8. Press the green tick to finish the activity
9. If you still have time you may love and comment on your friends work (do not distract your friends)