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Tony Clarke

Create an Avatar profile (What do we share?)

Grades: 6th Grade, 5th Grade, 4th Grade
Subjects: Computer Science, Digital Citizenship, Art

Student Instructions

Show me what you learned about cropping images and uploading them into Seesaw. Step 1: Take a picture of yourself and take a screen shot removing much of the background image. Step 2: Open an avatar creator such as: https://avachara.com/avatar/ https://avatarmaker.com/ Step 3: Go through the options and create an avatar that is close to your image. Step 4: Take a screen shot of your completed avatar. Step 5: Import both pictures into Seesaw side by side. Step 6: Add a text box with your first name and the year. Step 7: Evaluate your Avatar and your image, list the physical traits that you think you share. Step 8: Use the mic to describe your avatar and why it represents you. Joke- In the end, I had to deactivate my malfunctioning fitness avatar. * It just wasn’t working out for me.
