Student Instructions
You will need something to draw with and 4 little pieces of paper, 4 notecards, or 4 sticky notes to draw on for this activity.
First, draw a different event from your life on each piece of paper. (Events are things that happened in your life like when you learned how to walk, when you moved to a new house, a time your family traveled to a fun place... etc.) For your four pictures, it might be helpful to draw something that happened when you were really little, something that happened when you were a toddler, something that happened in preschool, and something that happened this year!
Next, make a timeline! Put your pictures in a line in the order that they happened. The first picture in line should be what happened when you were a baby and the last picture in line should be something that happened most recently.
Then, press the .
Tap the
button and take a picture of your timeline!
Tap the
and explain what is happening in each of the pictures on your timeline. You might even try to use sequencing words like first, then, next, or last!
Finally, press
to share your work with your teacher!