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Michaela Welch

The Mitten - Sequencing & Story Retell

Grades: PK-TK
Subjects: Home Learning, English Language Arts

Student Instructions

Today we are going to listen to Jan Brett's story The Mitten then practice our sequencing and story retelling skills. First, click on the link link and listen carefully to the story. (Be sure to pay close attention to the animal characters and the order they entered Nicki's mitten), Then, complete the two templates. Our learning targets for today's activities are: "I can answer simple questions related to a story." "I can retell stories giving key details." When you are ready: add Tap the Add Response button Page 1 move Tap the move icon to move the animals that were in the story to Nicki's mitten. (Hint - Not all the animals were in the story) Page 2 move Tap the move icon to move the animals to the order they crawled into the mitten. mic Tap the microphone and retell the story using your sequencing words (First, then, next, after that, finally) check Tap the check mark to add to your journal
