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Kelly Hudson (khudson@steds.org)

(A10) Be Creative: Create a New Dolphin Species

Grades: 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade
Subjects: Science

Student Instructions

There are 38 species of dolphins. The Bottlenose dolphin is the most well-known species of dolphin. Bottlenose dolphins live in the Indian River Lagoon. Today, you are going to use your creativity skills to invent a new dolphin species. This project is based on the book, If a Dolphin Were a Fish by Loran Wlodarski. We are going to start with a video from Mystery Science. In the video, Doug combines a dolphin and a shark to get a Sholphin. Even though this is impossible, it is fun to pretend. 1. Click the link to watch the video video. 2. Listen to If a Dolphin Were a Fish. 3.. Pick a species to combine with a dolphin. You cannot do 🐬 + 🦈 . 4. Be creative with art supplies and the dolphin outline to create your new species. 5. Write a summary on paper 📝 using the pattern in the book. "If a dolphin were a fish it would ___. But a dolphin is not a fish. A fish ___. A dolphin ___." 6. Take a photo of your new dolphin species. 7. Click add to open the template. 8. upload your photo. 9. Use the label tool to name your new species. Be creative. 🐬 + 🦈 = Sholphin 10. Use the mic to record your written summary. 11. Click the green check to save.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Writing Template https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dXeYtT04ai8Dcqrd2LG_G8zAbB2VYYwS/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=111045552462609588390&rtpof=true&sd=true Display After students record their summary, I print the QR Codes. I attach the QR Codes to their art project and hang them in the hall. Everyone loves scanning the codes to hear about the new species of dolphin. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1128bfRWb0TMfIgZnUCTJADmCB3cO2CF0/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=111045552462609588390&rtpof=true&sd=true
