Student Instructions
🎯 I can write a descriptive sentence using adjectives, verbs, adverbs and prepositional phrases. 1) Use the tool to brainstorm 4 or more each--> -ADJECTIVES 👀👂🏽👃🏿👅👆🏻❤️ -VERBS 🤸🏾♀️🏊🏻♀️🧗🏼♂️🏂 -ADVERBS (-ly) -PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES ⏰🏡🏜🛣 2) On the second page, choose your favorite words & use the tool to write 1 complete sentence to describe the picture. **Be sure to edit your writing for spelling, capitalization & punctuation** 3) Use the tool to record yourself reading your finished sentence. 4) Use to turn in your writing.
(Activity based on Writing with Design "power of pictures" & GLAD activities for vocabulary acquisition & development) Teachers can switch on the picture on the student template to have students describe any image. Teachers can also increase the requirements for number of final sentences on page 2.