Student Instructions
Today you will need to show your understanding of arrays by demonstrating the different ways we can represent them. In today's lesson, we will write a 'groups of' sentence, a repeated addition sentence and a multiplication sum for each array. We will also practise our 5's, 3's, & 4's timetable's to help us become faster at arrays in the future. 1. Click the 2. Watch the about arrays on page 1 3. Then watch the example on today's task on page 2 4. Use the or the tools to answer the questions 5. Complete all 6 6. Sing along with the video's to practise your timetables, you can do them more than once! 7. Finally, click the when you have finished.
Video Credits- Jack Hartman counting video's and Numberblocks This activity is quite long, it is designed to be a full session. Modify as needed, example.... - delete questions to make it smaller - delete counting video's at end and only keep the one your students may need to practise etc.