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Teachers, save “Around the House Counting” to assign it to your class.

Debbie Crawford

Around the House Counting

Years: Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade
Subjects: Math

Student Instructions

Today, we are going to do some counting around the house. 1. Tap the add button and look at what you need to count around your house. I suggest counting the animals, people and beds first as they will be easier. The taps, doors and chairs will be a little trickier. You might need an adult to help you count some of them. Do your best! 2. On the first page there is a tally sheet. As you are counting, use the tally sheet and the highlighter to mark down each item you find with a dot. See the example at the top of the page. 3. When you have found all the items in your house, add up all the dots in each row and record your answer on the second page using the pencil 4. When you have added up all the items and recorded the numbers, tap the check to add it to your journal. WALT: count, tally, write numbers
