Student Instructions
This is my favorite creative writing activity! I hope you enjoy it too!
You will be composing a short poem using the names of the colors on the paint chip you select. You can use more words than the color names (those just need to be included in your poem) and you can use the color names in any order in your poem. This poem can be long or short, it can rhyme, it can be without rhymes, up to you!
1. Choose a Paint Chip from the stack in the front of the room. Try to choose colors you are drawn to, but also, be sure to read over the names of the colors on the paint chip.
2. Click on this activity.
3. Take a
of your paint chip. Be sure you can read the names of the colors on your paint chip.
4. Click the
to add audio to your picture.
5. Your audio must include the following: a. A greeting (Who is listening at home?) b. Read the names of the colors on your paint chip and explain this activity to your audience. c. Read your poem aloud. d. A closing (Goodbye, thanks for listening, etc.)
6. Click the
to post to