Student Instructions
这可以是一个雪堆、一座雪塔、一个冰屋或一个雪人……一定要有创意! ❄️
1. 观看视频;▶️
2. 按照说明进行操作;
3. 在你到户外用雪搭建各种造型前,你一定要得到大人的同意;
4. 完成作品后,请拍摄照片或视频。在你搭建好的“造型”旁边要放有一把尺子,用来显示它的高度
5. 上传你拍摄的图片或视频。
Teacher Notes (not visible to students)
This is a snow day activity. It's meant to do in the snow! Notes: -Students could use cotton balls, paper, tissue, etc., to design and build if they can't go outside.) -The final page is meant for the teacher to provide the student with feedback about their design, process, and learning.