Instructions for Pupils
Use clay, play dough, styrofoam, mud, or any suitable material to make a model that shows how weathering, erosion, and deposition change and shape Earth's features. Here's the landscape you will build on at least a one foot square area to show 1. How: wind and sand storms break down rocks in the desert and move sand dunes; ice wedges rocks apart; tree roots break rocks; glaciers in the frozen mountains move rocks and debris as they slide down the mountain valleys, etc. 2. Also show how erosion happens, moving broken rocks down hill by gravity, in the currents of rivers moving towards lakes or the sea, or down hill by glaciers. 3. Finally, indicate the different places and ways that sediment is deposited. Use flags made with toothpicks and paper to label (from Galileo) the different types of weathering, erosion, and deposition happening in your model. Neatly paint model. Take 5 pictures showing the different aspects of your model. Submit by Monday, January 22, 2018.