Student Instructions
This activity is designed to develop your HPL skills.
1. Open the PDF presentation attached. This will guide you through the activity. Follow ALL the instructions (Please note - there are MORE than 20 pages. Please click VIEW ORIGINAL at the bottom to see all the pages)
2. Read pages 1 - 12. When you get to page 12
you should open the attached template. This will be where you record your responses.
3. On page 13 you must make your first decision! Page 14 gives an example of where and what to add to your template.
Use the SeeSaw
tools of adding text. Be as detailed as you can in your explanation and justification. BUT think carefully! All decisions have consequences!
4. Page 15 details the consequences of the decision you have made. You must add
to your table to update the number of sick and the value of the UK.
5. Continue through the presentation. For each stage (Days, 1, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 & 50) there is a decision to make and justify/explain and then consequences to calculate. You must then update the table! Follow the slides - it is all explained)
6. At the end you are asked to reflect. For this you should create a note on SeeSaw
7. As a response
you should have uploaded
a completed table AND a reflection