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Teachers, save “☘️ Making My Own LUCK ☘️” to assign it to your class.

Elizabeth Akers

☘️ Making My Own LUCK ☘️

Grades: 3rd Grade
Subjects: Writing, Character Building, English Language Arts

Student Instructions

What does it mean when someone says "good luck" or that you are "super lucky?" The best way to make your own luck happen, is to set goals and make a plan. The video and activity for today will help you do just that! link Video link: https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/a4jnPQD7pO8?autoplay=1&iv_load_policy=3&loop=1&modestbranding=1&playlist=a4jnPQD7pO8 1) Click add to begin. 2) GOAL for SCHOOL - Page 1: use the label tool to type 2 goals for school (think about what you want to get better at) - Page 2: use the label tool and choose 1 of your goals and come up with a 3 step plan to help you achieve it 3) GOAL for HOME - Page 3: use the label tool to type 2 goals for home(think about what you want to get better with) - Page 4: use the label tool and choose 1 of your goals and come up with a 3 step plan to help you achieve it 4) Click check to submit.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

This activity can easily be adapted for a time of year that is not St. Patrick's Day. You can use it right before parent/teacher conferences, at the beginning of the school year, right after the start of the New Year, and even at the end of the year. It is important to talk to your students about why we make goals, how make a plan to achieve those goals, and how to adapt when things are not working. Here is the original video if the the link I included breaks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4jnPQD7pO8
