Student Instructions
Today you will practise saying your address using 1st person and someone else’s address using 3rd person sentences.
When saying your address in Italian the order of the sentence is different to English.
In Italian we begin with “Via” (which can be used for all St, Rd, Way, Crescent, etc.) then we say the name and then we follow with the number of the house.
Here is the question and answer example for 1st person (me):
Q: Qual è il tuo indirizzo? (What is your address?)
A: Il mio indirizzo è Via Tyler numero 116 (My address is 116 Tyler St)
Here is the question and answer example for 3rd person (someone else)
Q: Qual è il suo indirizzo? (What’s his/her address?)
A: Il suo indirizzo è Via Cape numero 20 (His/Her address is 134 Cape St)
Have a go at this activity practising both 1st and 3rd person sentences.
Once you’ve read these instructions tap on to begin the activity.
Instructions for Page 1️⃣
1. Have a look at the street map on page 1️⃣ to see where the characters live.
2. Write the address of each characters in either the speech bubbles (1st person) or the text boxes (3rd person). There are examples of both in the instruction box on page 1.
Instructions for Page 2️⃣
Use the
tool to find all the Italian “regioni” in the word search just for fun!
When you’ve finished both pages tap on
to upload your work.